Xhun Audio Stage Drawers Expansion


Xhun Stage Drawers Expansion

Stage Drawers gives to you a quick access to a world of ideas for both studio compositions or live scenarios. This smart library includes a collection of ready to use multi genre patches, sequences, sound effects. Ran out of ideas ? Recover your inspiration by directly using the presets included in this collection or just slightly modify them and open new sound designing horizons.

Number of Presets : 68


System Requirements

Xhun LittleOne is required in order to use this expansion. 

  • Windows
  • Fully compatible with all Apple macOS operating systems up to macOS Mojave (version 10.14) and with any Intel-based Mac, but can also run on an ARM-based Mac using Rosetta 2.

Available formats

  • AU 64-Bit
  • VST 64-Bit
  • VST3 64-Bit