Melda MXXXCore


MXXXCore is an affordable way to get MXXX, the ultimate effect. It’s cheap and you can buy only those modules you actually want.

Which Processors Does MXXXCore Include?

MXXX includes almost all of the MeldaProduction processors, but it may also be a little expensive for non-professionals.

MXXXCore is a special licence, which includes only the basic building blocks. You will use MXXX as if you had the full licence, but not all processors will be available.

How to Get the Remaining Processors into MXXXCore

MXXXCore of course provides all of the modules MXXX does, but you need a licence to get the rest of them. For example, if you own MSpectralDynamics (or any bundle, which contains that plugin) then it will be enabled in MXXXCore as well. MXXXCore will not allow you to insert a processor you don’t own nor open a preset that uses it, and will tell you what you need to purchase in order to get it.

The following shows which licences you need to get any of the modules working in MXXX with MXXXCore licence. You can also use any bundle that contains a required plugin.


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Autopan – MAutopanMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Chorus – MFlangerMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Phaser – MPhaserMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Rotary – MRotary (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Tremolo – MTremoloMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Vintage Rotary – MVintageRotary (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Character – MCharacter (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Frequency Shifter – MFreqShifterMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Harmonizer – MHarmonizerMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Ring Modulator – MRingModulatorMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Transformer – MTransformer (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Vibrato – MVibratoMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Vocoder – MVocoder (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Comb – MCombMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Dynamic Equalizer – MAutoDynamicEq or MDynamicEq (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Freeform Equalizer – MFreeformEqualizer (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Freeform Analog Equalizer – MFreeformAnalogEq (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Equalizer – MAutoEqualizer or MAutoDynamicEq or MDynamicEq (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Equalizer Linear Phase – MAutoEqualizer or MEqualizerLinearPhase (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Wobbler – MWobbler (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Auto-Volume – MAutoVolume (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Drum Enhancer – MDrumEnhancer (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Drum Leveler – MDrumLeveler (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Dynamics – MDynamics or MDynamicsMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Limiter – MDynamicsLimiter (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Modern Compressor – MModernCompressor (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Spectral Dynamics – MSpectralDynamics (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Transient – MTransient or MTransientMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)

Reverb & Delay

Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Convolution – MConvolutionMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Delay – MDelayMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Granular – MGranularMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Reverb – MReverb or MReverbMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Rhythmizer – MRhythmizer or MRhythmizerMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Stereo Generator – MStereoGenerator (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Stereo Spread – MStereoSpread (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Stereo Processor – MStereoProcessor (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • Amp – MAmp (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Bit-Fun – MBitFunMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Distortion – MDistortionMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Saturator – MSaturatorMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Wave-Shaper – MWaveShaperMB (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • ​​​Auto-Align – MAutoAlign (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Compare – MCompare (Product that would unlock the former processor)
  • Multi-Analyzer – MMultiAnalyzer (Product that would unlock the former processor)


Processor to unlock and the products that will unlock it:

  • PowerSynth – MPowerSynth (Product that would unlock the former processor)
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System Requirements


  • Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support

Always use 32-bit plugins in 32-bit hosts, or 64-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts!

64-bit plugins can’t work in 32-bit hosts even if the operating system is 64-bit. Do NOT use 32-bit plugins in 64-bit hosts. They would have to be bridged and can become slow and unstable.

Mac OS X

  • Mac OS X (10.7 and newer, 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • VST / VST3 / AU / AAX compatible host (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Intel/AMD processor with SSE2 support