Electric Guitar Muted
2006 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Stratocaster with Samarium Cobalt pickups
The muted guitar provides a very calm, but rich sound. It gives an incredible warm intonation overall when used as the base of a harmonic structure. With the Multi-Arpeggio-Designer [MAD] you can give the instrument a characteristic, modern, sometimes futuristic feel. Paired with the Harmonics, you achieve a very balanced and wide sound, right on the modern pulse of time.
Electric Guitar Harmonics
2003 Gibson SG with Seymour Duncan Phat Cat Pickups
With its shimmering, floating sound, the Harmonics are the perfect addition to the Palm Mutes. Create lively ambient pads or run impressive modern-sounding arpeggios with it: The possibilities are endless and usually just one preset away.
Amp: Handwired Marshall 1974X 18w class A