Sick Volume 5 is the fifth entry in their annual Sick series, exploring melodic and exotic tuned plucked strings and mallets, unique winds and musical effects designed for sci-fi, horror and mystery genres. It also includes an extensive collection of evolving tonal ambient pads, atmospheric soundscapes, harmonic clouds and menacing drones. It’s also perfect if you just want fresh, unique musical sounds with an unconventional character and organic playability.
It features 5 acoustic instrument sets, recorded in a bright chamber with adjustable close and far mic positions. The “Astral Dirge Pipe” is a custom contraptions sonically resembling a multi-key tuned didgeridoo. They recorded chromatic sustains, staccatos and effects. The “Channeling Tube” is a classic spring-powered “Thunder Tube”, played both percussively and semi-chromatically by plucking the string at differing lengths. The Conjuring Bell is a beautifully melodious pair of chimes with a sound hole at the base to allow the thumb to create “wah-wah” effects as they ring. The “Spectral Moaner” is a droning wind instrument swung in an overhead arc to produce a harmonic series as speed increases. The “Demon String” is an acoustic guitar outfitted with a Vo-96 guitar synthesizer that produce infinitely self-sustaining richly harmonic organ-like drones. They recorded a full range of string plucks, plus major, minor and octave chord types. Finally, they’ve designed 60 mystery, sci-fi and horror ambiences and soundscapes. Every preset includes cutting edge control features, rack FX and otherworldy convolutions to allow you plenty of creative control.
- “Astral Dirge Pipe” custom multi-key tuned didgeridoo: chromatic sustains (w/releases), staccatos and effects.
- “Channeling Tube” spring-powered effect percussion: hand percussion and sustaining dramatic effects.
- “Conjuring Bell” oscillating tuned mallet percussion, with organic “wah-wah” effects: mallet, stick and strike variants, with different oscillation patterns. Roll sustains with dynamic cross-fade layering.
- “Spectral Moaner” droning air column wind instrument: hand percussion and tonal sustains with dynamic cross-fade layering.
- “Demon String” acoustic guitar with resonant synthesis: chromatic string plucks, plus major, minor and octave chord types.
- Ambient tonal, atmospheric and droning instruments: 60 mystery, sci-fi and horror ambiences and soundscapes.
They captured a variety of articulation types for each instrument in a large hall, at both close and far distances in widely spaced stereo pairs. The space offers a lush, full sound that blends naturally with orchestral sections. The close position has a full, present sound with greatly diminished hall reverberation. The Far position has a distant, wet quality with more air and environmental influence. You can selectively load and mix the close and far microphones to conserve ram and dial in just the right mix. And if you need it closer to bone dry, you can use the Release control to simply tighten up the room release.
The comprehensive FX Rack panel provides multi-effects, compression, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, featuring dozens of their most popular custom recorded rooms, halls, cathedrals and otherworldly fx impulses, all easily available through the control interface. Finally, they contorted the source recordings into a broad selection of 60 different ambiences, drones, atmospheres and special FX instruments. You’ll find 3 main ambient presets, each with a number of different ambiences to choose from.