
T-RackS Master EQ 432

Original price was: $124.99.Current price is: $29.99.

The Absolute Reference Mastering EQ

This module is based on what is considered to be the “golden reference”, the absolute standard in mastering equalizers. This piece of hardware was the brainchild of two of the most ingenious minds in music recording technology, true pioneers (whose ideas were key to many other designs) who joined forces to create what was the first parametric EQ ever invented. The design quickly became the basis for most of the following parametric EQs from manufacturers the world over.

Master EQ 43

On top of the fully parametric and totally independent bands with almost no interaction (something that was not available until this circuit topology invention), its success derived from its no compromise quality level, based on discrete high-performance custom op-amps and totally transformer-less signal path which made for a transparent and pristine audio quality: this level of sonic excellence, superior transient response, almost non measurable non-linearities and extremely low distortion together with some perceivable “magic” in the circuit design makes it practically ubiquitous in mastering engineers’ set of tools, from its origin to present days. The latest and advanced techniques used in the DSP design of this module allowed the perfect rendition of this major league audio quality in the digital DAW format, a level of a sonic sameness that simply wasn’t possible before. The instantaneously noticeable result is that the EQ has a pleasing sound of its own, its high transparency notwithstanding, which is far over the standard “digital” EQ called to perform the same tasks.

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  • Win 10+ (64bit)
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost)
  • 3GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU
  • ARM processors not supported on Windows


  • Mac OS 11+
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 4 cores CPU, 3.4 GHz (4.0 GHz Turbo-boost) or M1 CPU
  • 3GB free hard disk space
  • OpenGL 2.0 compatible GPU