Where does this training method come from? Did they make it up?
No, they didn’t! The Guess Method has been used for over 40 years. There were exercises on cassettes, CD’s or it was done manually by teachers. They know it works and it has proven its efficiency over the years with thousands of successful engineers.
The new Correct Method comes from a suggestion Bob Katz (the mastering guru) made to us:
I suggest presenting a piece of recorded music which needs “help” in some frequency range and see if the student can not only identify the problem, but also correct for it in a musically satisfying way.
So that is what they did: correct instead of guess. They tested it and they loved it. It turned out to be both funny and instructive. Both methods complement each other really well.
Besides, they have designed the software to turn these methods into a limitless tool, way better than any cassette or CD, because you can feed it with any music or sound and configure the exercises to a level of diversity and detail which wasn’t imaginable before.
They can’t place more emphasis on this way of training the ear: IT WORKS!