Every year since 2019, we’ve been going to the NAMM Show (National Association of Music Merchants) 4-day convention in Anaheim, CA.
This huge and unmissable music industry event (+200,000 people per session) did not take place in 2021, due to COVID.
And the 2022 edition has been postponed to June instead of January originally.
As a plugin and software distributor, it is essential for us to participate in this type of event, since we discover all the new audio practices and technologies there, and many meetings between professionals are organized.
So we went to Anaheim.
Were present from the team:
– Leroy Chambers, sound engineer, music production and mixing trainer and CEO of PluginMasters
– Anne Laure Gautherot, studio manager, training coordinator and COO of PluginMasters
– Luc Loncelle, sound engineer, music production trainer and Tech Specialist for PluginMasters
– Anaka, our photographer, to whom we owe it to the superb photos that you find in this article.

This was an opportunity for us to perpetuate our partnerships and of course to negotiate new ones.
As for example, we met with the teams of Antares, Kilohearts, Slate Digital, Soundtoys, Polyverse, Avid.. and a lot more partners that spent time with us demonstrate their latests products.
Some of our audio plugins partners regularly present at NAMM include: AVID, Steinberg, Antares, IK Multimedia, Audio-Technica, Native Instruments, Arturia, UAD, Soundtoys, Fabfilter, Joué, Soultones, Music Marketing…and many more to come !

This year, several sound behemoths were not present on the stands, but we have no doubt that given the success of this reduced edition, they will be there for the April 2023 edition, at least we hope so!